

2020 Year

KYT Training

Activities that work together as a group for the safety of work Is a practice activity Hazard forecasting under the idea that Help each other do it quickly and accurately.

Safety Driving

Safety driving activities is a campaign to raise awareness about driving on the road and respecting traffic rules. Moreover, to be aware of using chemicals used in the company. If an emergency occurs, all employees will be able to process the steps and methods to manage them properly and safely.

Chemical Hazardous Using

The activitty to which employees are informed about the types of chemicals Using whith in the company if emergency case all of member will know steps and methods manage curectry and safety.

Forklift Training

Activities to provide employees with a better understanding and know how to drive forklifts safely at work.

Fire evacuation drills

In order to practice fire evacuation drill. When a fire or emergency. All employees have to be trained in different functions according to the structure established by the company.

Primary fire fighting

activity to provide employees with a better understanding and how to use a fire extinguisher in an emergency. As well as to rescue itself in case of finding a gas tank causing a fire.

Annual health check

The activitty to which employees are informed about the types of chemicals Using whith in the company if emergency case all of member will know steps and methods manage curectry and safety.

CSR Activity

Activities within the organization That takes into account the impact on society By planting a forest To make our society live happier